Saturday, August 26, 2006


His Beatitude & Wife at the Milingo Moonie Wedding

Fifth and sixth from the left are His Beatitude "Archbishop" Timothy Paul & Sarah (Johnson) Baymon having their marriage "blessed" at the mass wedding in which fellow apostates Emanuel Milingo and George Stallings (also "archbishops") were united to their Moon picked Asian brides.
WHY, you might be asking, does an "orthodox archbishop" like Baymon need to have his marriage blessed by Unification Cult Leader Sun Myung Moon?
Here's a clip explaining why.
The Moon organization and their front group, "The Family Federation for World Peace and Unification" are being deceptive when they say that they are "pro-family". They believe that all families outside of their organization is Satanic. Therefore, God does not recognize any marriages other than Moon sponsored ones.

Sun Myung Moon and his wife are considered to be "sinless" and are called the "True Parents" of humankind. He claims to be the new Christ and is fulfilling what Jesus failed to accomplish. In fact, Moon believes that until he married Jesus to a Korean church member, Jesus was unable to enter "Heaven".

The meaning of the "blessing" is the separation of the evil descendants of "Satan’s" blood lineage (caused by Eve having sex with Lucifer and then seducing Adam) from those reborn under Moon’s "Heavenly" lineage.
OH! Is that why?
We can't help but wonder if this was before or after His Beatitude asked his lawyer Steve "I need you to pay me" Winniman, to draw up divorce papers for him. He uses these papers to convince his several mistresses (often members of his own congregation that he has "ordained" as clergy) that he is going to leave his wife for one of them, but yet, these papers remain unsigned and unserved.


Modern Apostates

Just who are these modern apostates and what are their teachings?
Stay tuned to learn about such folks as
Emanuel "Mad Dog" Milingo
Timothy Paul "Count de Money" Baymon
David "he's just my nephew" Billings
George "It's All About Me" Stallings
all of whom claim to be some form of legitmate archbishop...
and the Ring Leader and puppet master himself
The Reverend Sun Myung "I'm the REAL MESSIAH" Moon

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