Monday, November 27, 2006



But your actions might land you in prison
What is the truth about His Beatitude and his ICHCOC?
From the website of the International Communion of the Holy Christian Orthodox Church (ICHCOC) come the following, with our comments in bold blue type.

His Beatitude, TIMOTHY PAUL, Ph.D., D.TH. H.B. TIMOTHY PAUL is Metropolitan Archbishop of the International Communion of the Holy Christian Orthodox Church.Under the leadership of ++TIMOTHY PAUL, the Communion has grown to over 4 million Faithful.
Where are these FOUR MILLION people? They don't exist, except in the mind of a certain metropolitan. If they DID exist would there be a need to BEG everyone he knows to sign up for magazine subscriptions to help rasie money (ONE MILLION DOLLARS) for his Epiphany Tower? Of course not! All he would need to do is tax each member 25 cents (one quater of a U.S. dollar) to raise the money. Surely even the poorest members could afford that??

++TIMOTHY PAUL is a scholar in biblical preaching. His dynamic homiletical skills has sparked great demands for his preaching.
Pastor Timothy IS a very dynamic preacher. He can talk for hours on end and still say very little.
He WAS in great demand when he was singing the praises of Sung Myung Moon, but since the Moonies dumped him-- after having fully vetted him-- he seems to be making the preaching circuit less frequently according to one member of his church "he is there most Sundays."
Side note: the second sentence should be "His dynamic homiletical skills HAVE sparked great demands...." His ignorant uneducated secretary must be maintaining the website, as a man with "SEVERAL EARNED DOCTORATES" would certainly know better.

His Beatitude is best known for his humility.
ANYONE who has known him for more than 60 seconds knows better.
Perhaps His Beatitude does not know the definition of humility.

the quality or condition of being humble; modest opinion or estimate of one's own importance, rank, etc. —Synonyms lowliness, meekness, submissiveness.
n 1: a disposition to be humble; a lack of false pride

With several earned Doctorates, including two in Philosophy (Human Services and Religious Education) and a Doctorate in Theology, the Archbishop has been named in "2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 21st Century".

1. WHERE did H.B. Timothy get his degrees from? Which universities?
2. How much did he pay to be listed in outstanding scholars book? Or perhaps the Reverend Moon paid that for him??

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